Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Arthasastra Education for building the Prosperity Mind of Entrepreneur

Obviously, there are so many ways to become rich. Some ways are conventional, other are unconventional which is known as innovative . This Unconventional and innovative routes, are taken by modern entrepreneurs who build wealth based on that. They have remarkable similarity with the ancient kings mentioned in Arthasastra as the agent of wealth creators.

In the Knowledge economy, innovation is the most important wealth factor . Yet it is intangible, and purely a behavioural pattern rather than a tangible product . This is where the education of Arthasastra helps to build the skills and behavioural pattern related to innovation . Arthasastra teaches you Anvisakshi strategy, which helps to understand the root of innovation , which is to become an witness, and have an objectivity towards the whole world . Infact, this objectivity is the root source of innovation, as it helps you to think on terms of choices, rather than chances . You become more aligned to prosperity, and when you start thinking on terms of choices rather than chances.

The modern education system, doesn’t create that abjective thinking capability where you start living by choices and can use even the disruption related to misfortune and challenges in life , and create opportunities . It requires a different kind of mindset, to create opportunities from the obstacles of inflation, and build innovative product and services, which make things faster , better and cheaper .

Can You learn how to become Innovative, which is the root of wealth in knowledge econmy, in our Present Education ?

  1. School Education: Yes we start our education from school . But it doesn’t teach us to innovate , to imagine even , and become creative . It rather makes us typecast loaded with pressures of different where education losses its soul and becomes mechanical ways only for getting marks in exams .

  2. College Education: In Colleges , your priorities of subjects, defined by your families. In majority cases , Because of your lack of knowledge, and pressure from family, you move into a subject , which you primarily don’t like .It is also far away, from teaching you how to become creative and innovative, which is a important money skill, to build wealth in Knowledge economy.

  1. Business School: There are lot of things we learn from Business schools , but most of the time , what we learn make us more machine like and doesn’t helps us to become original thinker. It also doesn’t make us creative or help us to innovate . Because innovation is disruptive, it is very hard to develp on learning system which is close end and mechanical and makes you machine then a human.
  1. Financial Information Education: People starts going to this system of education, when they are in desperation to make money for there living , and where they learn more about financial products and services . They learn a lot and fill up there minds with market information . This obviously creates certain form of intelligence about market but it neccasirly doesn’t give you skills to win in the market . Information is the first step, however people gets overloaded with financial information. Then they can make something practical out of this information. After a time being they lose interest in the Jugglary of words, and numbers, which are all set to confuse them .

There is also a fifth type of education which is known as Real Financial Education given by Arthasastra

  1. Real Financial Education given by Arthasastra : Arthasastra give you the real financial education, based on the only scripture around on the world on the subject of economy , wealth and politics . Rather then taking information approach , it tries to build a mindset of the person reading it which called a prosperity mind. The Prosperity mind is based on innovation and it could track the opportunities which the world gives him . As this is a mind which has a high degree of self control , it could always decide and understand on the difference between right financial move and wrong financial move.

Yes, arthasastra – the science of wealth creation, is something you have to learn, as you are only one who is responsible, for your failure and success.

If you really had to take wise decision on the subject of money, that you can handle all your financial worries, you have to have a model of thinking based out of prosperity mind ,which helps you to understand the domain of personal finance , corporate finance and economy in a clear and concise way . Arthasastra gives that prosperity mind to you alongwith a model of thinking which can be applied to any of the context like

  1. Day to Day Financial Responsibility
  2. Understanding how to protect your wealth and whether insurance is the only way?
  3. Understanding the operation of banker and financial consultant and how they handle your money and where they put your money What is the risk there and how do you liquidate in case you need it ?
  4. How do you handle expenses of events on the next business cycle both in your personal and organizational level.
  5. How are you planning your retirement.

One thing ,I to want to remind you, which is the cornerstone of the thought process of arthasastra which teaches that “Success is a journey . the point you claim, you have it , is the point you loose it” .

To learn more about how Arthasastra could be applied to Personal Finance , Corporate Finance and Economicv Development , Join the BTCON 05 on Financial Transformation by arthasastra from .

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can Arthasastra transform Corporate Finance ?

Chankya- one of the foremost Indian Gurus, on the subject of Finance , Money , Management and Politics . Chanakya, had a different perspectives on the subject of Finance , which he demonstrated on his magnum opus –“The Arthasastra “ . It is very interesting to note that India actually became the “Land of Golds”, when his principles of Financial Management used . Deeply rooted on Indian spirituality, they are the original thinking gems on finance , then “so called linguistic and numeric manipulation”, what the modern finance understanding has given to us .

Tell me , what has the western management gurus, and the armies of financial professionals has given to the world ? . To me, it is nothing, but a stream of periodic recessions of capital markets. In which at the end , we seem to be losing our environment , spreading more pollution , exhibiting greed, and bring crisis to the entire humanity . Here is a master of finance, who taught the world, lessons which are eternal principles of finance, and which stayed back of 2300 years , when most finance book would not even stay for the lifetime of that modern financial guru . Let me explain some of Chanakya’s ideas on Finance , which is so contrary to the modern destructive idea of finance.

Basics of Finance from Arthasastra

In the modern finance money is disconnected, there is no wholistic principle of money . I agree money is very important for the success, of individual or an enterprise . However , the present understanding of finance, could only lead to a success, which is short term, and which would be blown out within 1-2 Business cycle with ever periodoc reccession . Let me go back to Chanakya, who is also known as Kautilya , and understand his model of Finance . He says “Artha” is a very important ideal, alongwith Moksha (Liberation) , Dharma (Righteousness) , Kama (Pleasure) and he builds an important connection between all of them . His concept of “Artha” is all inclusive, and not limited to “paper notes” only. So when he says “Artha” , he means good governance , right policy , good actions , self control and number of issues to take care of the interest of the subjects . Unlike modern system of understanding of financial management, whose sole objective is to gain profit, in the cost of everything , Chanakya in Arthasastra, really makes us look beyond profit, and shows that there is a social , environmental and spiritual bottomline apart from the economic bottomline . The modern knowledge of finance will find you in a justified condition , if you gained a better number in your balance sheet and add shareholder value , in the cost of environment where by destroying trees you building real estate, pollute the environment sending green house gasses , develop skyscrapers destroying human habitation , fight war and kill people for the sake of crude oil, take all kinds of activity which is destructive of planet earth in search of economic gain , symbolized by paper notes .

In contrary, “Arthasastra” is sincere to Mother Earth . Unlike modern finance where there is no clear link established on protection of Mother Earth or Planet earth , Arthasastra begins with the statement that it is the science of acquisition and protection of Mother Earth . Remember it makes us realize that earth is our mother , from whom we have all came into existence . And we have no right to destroy our mother , as that it is actually destroying us . It is these deeper understanding of Kautilya, has made him the immensely successful , both in sphere of Governance ,and finance. We can’t iginore the success of this person , who has build the first Indian Empire. and his principles where the foundation of Indian systems of Governance still now . Kautilya principles has also helped the rulers of India, at his time to create the Golden Age of India ( Chandragupta – Ashoka – Samudragupta).

That’s why he gives a very strong statement in Arthasastra, that one who reads this scripture, will not only become successful in this world , but also attain success in other worlds.

A lot of Books and study material, which is available in finance , will be a very hard job, for a new-comer to decode . One of the reason is modern financial gurus, have jargonized the system, and made it closely networked , that only some persons who are aware about the financial lingos can access the system. Before Global Financial Crisis , the people of the world had lesser understanding about the kind of greed, and unrighteousness, and unethical behavior the financial institution such as banks , nbfc does with there subjects . There closely knitted lingos, with financial engineering , builds such products which is made to make any client loose money. One of this financial product everybody is aware about is Credit Card. To use a credit card properly, one needs a lot of training as it is a product, which is so complex, that it could never be understood by common man with average financial knowledge . So many people have burned there fingers. using credit cards. Now , you may say one must avoid these kind of products . However , this financial institution has Branded and made it in such a way, that it becomes a defacto standard for social status.

In the contrary , if you read , Arthasastra, it is focused on the very fundamentals and keeps its objectives straight in target . It is a book of acquisition and protection wealth . One who studies it, in any condition on any situation , can acquire and protect wealth . Nothing can be more simpler and basic , yet so deep and inclusive in its approach . Arthasastra is not a book , it is a library . Yet its simplicity , conciseness , and Kautilyas rationality is stunning . Written nearly 2300 years, before , It could make a lot of financial gurus of modern times in a embarrassing condition , and atleast teach them that the finance could be taught in a basic language and with precise words.

Why should you train yourself in Arthasastra?

Arthasastra also answers this question, that why should one train himself in this scripture and its dealing with the subject of finance . It gives a very rational answer and says “Artha” is the basis of Moksha(Liberation) ,Dharma (Righteousness) and Kama ( Pleasure) . It trains a person on the underlying philosophies behind “Key Result Areas” and “Key Performance Indicators” and also the financial numbers, you might see in your salary structure . Infact , the salary structure of the Government employees of that time , and the rationality behind it was given, along with the details of measuring systems in Arthasastra. The only thing needs to done is to bring the wisdom from there, and apply it in modern context, to really make your financial life easier.

Some Concrete Reasons “Why” Training on Subject of Finance, through Arthasastra is Important?

1. Finance beyond Jargons – You don’t learn finance to learn language , but you learn finance to make your life easier, that you can handle your finance and your outer life, in a better way . Understanding of the regulatory environment, is very important in order to learn finance, as it is important to understand your own capabilities of self regulation, which is to destroy the inner six enemies. This is the most vital part of Arthasastra which takes a “inside-out” approach to the world of finance , rather than an “Outside-in” modern management approach.

2. Avinashakshee Strategy and Number Phobia – The science of sensecontrol, which is described by kautilya, as one of the foremost mental capability and strategic ability, to deal with any kind of phobia will help you also to get out from the phobia of numbers.

3.Its all about Money : kautilya , shows that creating money, is about putting self effort with a strong sense control and mastery over mind . As he continues saying all through out the Arthasastra, that wealth slips away from a person, who continuously consults fortune tellers for creating wealth . What can fortune teller do , it is wealth only, which brings wealth . Rather than building a rosy picture about different financial products , which your financial advisor will always do to strip you out of money , kautilya shows simple and easy route , and that is self effort with sense control to create and protect wealth . It might look harder to start with , but once you learn it you have solved our all financial problem in your lifetime, in one straight stroke.

4.With Kautilya Finance is not boring: kautilya shows in Arthasastra that Artha is actually a sadhana . His no-nonsense description, on the subject of wealth , its management and protection makes one to move on the path of enlightening wealth .

So where do I start Arthasastra?

This is a question I come across all the time. If I wanted to learn Arthasastra where should I start from

The best place to start from is to read the book . There are so many translation available in the web.

Several books are coming which are trying to apply Kautilya, in the context of modern financial problems and also in context of Governence. It good to keep your eyes open and see those books from different publication . I , myself is writing two such books, which is about to be published .

If you take , kautilya as your Financial advisor , you will see that your capability to acquire and protect righteous wealth grows. kautilya is non-judgemental and his advises are eternal , so with Kautilya you might not have to encounter the remark of Warren Buffet which says, “Wall Street is the only place where people who drive Rolls Royce take advice from people who take the subway. ” I think you will have the best advisor with you when you read arthasastra , it is your own intelligence.

Essential things to learn “first” when you start:

Kautilya gives you the fundamental and basic concepts on finance . You can obviously build a skyscraper on it , and apply it, in different context of finance , if your fundamentals are strong on the basics of arthasastra.

Kautilya has precise advise on how to maintain accounts in Arthasastra. It is again de-jargonised ways, to understand the principles of accounting . So you can learn it from there ,and apply it in present accounting context.

Right from doing a basic math, upto complex merger, acquisitions and spin offs, there are thousands of concepts of kautilya , which you can apply, and have a better understanding on those subjects.

But first there are a few concepts which will help you to make your foundation strong before you start building your sky scraper on it:

Knowledge of Kautilyas principles: kautilya’s teaching in artjhasastra could be divided into three pillars – 1) Self Governance 2) Market Governance (State Governance) 3) Market (State) War & Diplomacy . In Corporate Finance , the subject could be narrowly focused towards market governance and market war instead of State Governance and State war. After this three pillars you can look to the different tactics, Kautilya recommends for achieving this goals . For self Governance , one must look on the knowledge of Anvishakshee strategy , for market Governance he should understand the 7 Constituents of market, and how to work on bringing that constituents on order. One could also look after Kautilya’s accounting principles, and see how he had ask to maintain accounts on daily basis, and follow that in modern accounting practices

Understanding Financial Statements by kautilya’s wisdom: Kautilya also gives a lot of different ways to write different, form of financial statement in different part of Arthasastra . These could be taken as Knowledge points, and used in understanding modern financial statements .

3, Financial Management: kautilya also gives different ways on raising capital from Market and building systems that could utilize that capital and make the people or the subjects happy, which is the fundamental objective of Corporate Financve . The raising capital part , also gives details and also the diplomatic routes which should be taken for raising capital . However this is all given on the context of state and King . You have to understand that Entreprenuer is the modern version of Kind and Corporate or Enterprise are modern version of states in market . You could see once you see things in these way , it could make you life easier on understanding financial management.

To summarize, we can say that learning of Arthasastra, could help to understand modern finance in dejargonised and fundamental way .This learning will be will line with business ethics, Corporate Governence and Strategic management which is critical to success of any individual or an organization in today’s world.

There are four main reasons of learning finance through Arthasastra route: (1) With Arthasastra , you go beyond understanding the Finance lingos and learn the fundamentals, which are important and could be applied in any financial situation you face,

(2) Avinaskhee strategy helps you to deal Number phobia.

(3) The biggest reason why a person who makes money but do not get rich, is due to the bad advice. Kautilya provides you that intelligence, where you can be your own advisors on finance . kautilya’s knowledge on finance which he has given on Arthasastra is eternal . It stayed for last 2300 years, and I am sure it is going to stay for next 2300 years . Because , though it uses precise words , statements , chapters , deep down it carries the spirit of finance, and so it is scripture not a book as such .

I am also attaching one presentation, to have more deeper understanding on this scripture and the series of the courses we provide to understand Kautilya Arthasastra and its application in Modern Management for achieving Financial Transformation .

In addition to that ,in 31st Decembor we are going to have a BTCON 05 on Financial Transformation which would be based out of using the principles of Arthasastra to achieve Financial Transformation . –

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sri Joydip drives towards Business Transformation by entrepreneurship growth, based on Indian Ancient Values and Knowledge

Press Release Link -

Sri Joydip Initiated to expand a new form of Management thought process based on Indian Values and Culture.

Kolkata, November 17, 2009: The Kolkata based spiritual entrepreneur, Sri Joydip and his organization Allindialive, which has come out with Sri Joydip Ashram (SJA), a global not-for-profit organization, focused on promoting Indian ancient values and culture, in management thought process , will organize its annual thought leader summit, on the “Mind of Kautilya” – on Chanakya Kautilya , who is the world first management GURU and the greatest management thinker ever borned on November 20th 2009, in Kolkata followed by the ‘Kautilya Awards’, for innovative Management Thinking .

A number of delegates across the world including management thinkers, budding entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial organizations, students, angel investors, academic thought leaders and senior government representatives would converge in online platform Wiziq to promote Indian ancient values and culture in management thought process and celebrate and remember Chankya and his contribution to making Arthasastra popular around the world , during Thought leader Summit 2009. The theme of TLS 2009 is ‘The Mind of Kautilya’.

For details check

‘Allindialive is constantly promoting Business Transformation by entrepreneurship growth, based on Indian Ancient Values and Knowledge , in the East, and this year we are facilitating Indian School of Business Transformation, a newly formed online Business School in Kolkata, set up by a group of companies known as Business Transformation Consortium, which has members from Media , Academia , Industry and some of organization, in the Information and Communication Technology domain.

For details check and

We have a pressing need to provide a management thinking process for our institution and organization, that is rooted in our Indian ancient values and culture . Indian School of Business Transformation is an initiative on that regard,” said Sri Joydip , Management Guru & Chairman , Indian School of Business Transformation.

For details check

ISB&T had initiated a Business Transformation Conference, through its knowledge partners of Business Transformation Consortium, and had received a good response from thought leaders and delegates around the world. Three BTCON has been conducted till now on “Business Tranformation is the Future” , “Business Transformation Outsourcing” and “Security Transformation”. The next BTCON will be on “ Transformation leadership “ in 1st Decembor, 2009.

“BTCON is one of the biggest initiative in the world to scout for winning BT ideas and Business Transformation talent” said Sri Joydip , Management Guru & Chairman , Indian School of Business Transformation.

For details check

Kautilya Awards 2009: In order to create role models and to recognize great management thinkers , Sri Joydip Ashram had instituted Kautilya Awards. Each year Sri Joydip Ashram, will evaluates thought leaders in various categories and honour them with Kautilya Awards. .

ABOUT The Allindialive (AIL):

Allindialive (AIL) is focused towards Business Transformation by entrepreneurship growth, based on Indian Ancient Values and Knowledge . The objective is to help budding entrepreneurs who are rooted to Indian Ancient Values and Culture, through mentoring, networking and education and create an atmosphere for fostering the spirit of innovative enterprise especially among the young who are rooted on the values ,culture and spiritual tradition of this country.
For details check –

Allidialive in intensely focused in Business transformation and its Business Transformation blog, has got the award of " Blogger of the day " and at the same time got nominated for " Best Business Blog " in the Bloggers Choice Award 2009.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sri Joydip Ashram brings you knowledge on Arthasastra

Learn Arthasastra from Sri Joydip Ashram(SJA).

SJA is bringing a month long workshop on different aspects of ancient knowledge, of Arthasastra, which is the science of Wealth and Well Being .

Join from

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Diwali Greetings

Asatamo Satgamaya .. tamasoma jyotirmaya ..
Mitrunma Amritamgamaya

In this Diwali, may God lead you from

Ignorance to Knowledge,
Darkness to Light,
Death to Immortality.

Celebrating the true spirit Leadership

Friday, October 2, 2009

Business Transformation Outsourcing Workshop

While Business Transformation Workshop, have significant difference, from traditional outsourcing, and is more like a consulting assignment , it has some of characteristics of Traditional Outsourcing too .

Check this in more detail in the recent presentation at my workshop in WizIQ on " Business Transformation Outsourcing ".

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What does becoming most popular entreprenuer means ? has come out with the Most Popular Entreprenuership Challenge 09.I have been nominated for this challenge. Before writing this and asking people to vote for me, I was just trying to figure out what does this challenges mean to me .

Is it a real challenge or a psudeo one ?.

I could not have answere of this question for long time. So , when I gathered only 3 votes, my competitor in the challenge gathered 371 votes .

Eureka, then suddenly , today I found the answere of the question . The challenge doesn't mean anything , if one is seeking fame through it . But , it means a lot if one is able communicate his vision, and spread his mission to masses.

However,I found the answere too late . Well now when there is only 3 days left, and there is a such huge gap , what is the point of writing this post and asking people to give a vote for me .

It's well worth to share the answere and it's good to ask a vote , if only you find as an entreprenuer , I have done something, for the cause of business transformation, which is the mission of Allindialive.

Here is a brief list of things carried out in the last three months . Rate them and vote for us , if you feel I deserve to become a popular entreprenuer , on the actions, we have taken for our mission of business transformation.

1.We have created some knowledge products as we have mentioned in the last story. One of them is an Ebook which is titled as "Wisdom Stimulus".

There was also a presentation on the knowledge products we have build in between

2.We have focused our self more intensively on 'Business transformation and Business Transformation blog has got the award of " Blogger of the day " and at the same time got nominated for " Best Business Blog " in the Bloggers Choice Award 2009.

3. We have also intiated formation of Business Transformation Consortium where companies on Business Transformation space have come together. .

4 A Business Transformation forum was build to carry on detailed discussion on Business Transformation

5. We have launched online business school known as Indian School of Business Transformation - ISB&T - which is providing online education on Transformational Entrepreneurship , Transformational Leadership and Business Transformation. We have already conducted 8 workshops where near about 500 people from all locations of the world participated.

6.We have conducted a successful Business Transformation Conference on 8trh Septembor,2009 on the theme of "Business Transformation is the Future" - which is the only online event worldwide on Business Transformation

7. We are already in our way to conduct the next online conference of BTCON on 3rd Sepetmbor on "The Future of oursourcing is Business Transformation Outsourcing "

Endorsement : Letter.pdf

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Transformational leadership

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Transformational Leadership - A Review of the session

"Leaders think ahead of the others ". This was the response made by a freelance software program when asked to define leadership in the online workshop session on transformational leadership. While there where other responses about the definition of leadership , all of participants agreed that leaders have three basic qualities .

1. Leaders have a vision
2. Leaders share that vision
3. Leaders turn that vision into action.

In a further interactive discussion on the transformation leadership workshop there was also a revelation that there are different scopes of leadership . The following scopes of leadership are listed here

1. Personal Leadership
2.Family Leadership
3.Organizational Leadership
4.Industrial leadership
5. State Leadership
6. National Leadership
7. International Leadership

There was a very interesting question which cameout from an system engineer who was participating on the session from the Iran . " Do one has to cross all this layers before it , if he one to become an Industrial leader" . For the answere of the question , I referred the Leadership models

1. Power given from outside - Authority driven ( Outside - In)
2. Power given from inside - Empowerment driven ( Inside -Out)

Infact , if one has to reach on higher leadership position through Empowerment model , then one has to start leading himself . He has to first become a personal leaders , managing his , time,stress and conflict in the best possible way. Whereas that is not required in the cases where the power is given from outside , and one follows the authority driven leadership model.

Madhuri, from Hydrebad was sharing her experience on leadership on how he handled different events , while there was a general question which flowed around on the second day session of the transformational leadership program, where people wanted to know about the types of the follower.

We found that there are four kinds of followers

1. High Skill and High Will
2. High Skill and Low Will
3. Low Skill and High Will
4. Low Skill and Low Will.

There was a reference of Mahabharata startegy was taken to handle this four kind of people

1. High Skills and High Will - Sam - Concillation
2. High Skills and Low Will - Dam - Incentives and Motivation
3. Low Skill and High Will - Bhed - Rotation- Train them and rotate around high skill people
4. Low Skill and Low Will - Dand - Punishment - Create different fines to get them working

The workshop will move for the third session on leadership strategies . Find more information from

Check the presentation here

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blogging and Wealth Creation : ( Part II) A Review of Kolkata Bloggers Meet 2009

Cameras , light , sound and huge energy of 152 bloggers, made the whole environment
something ,which could not be so much expressed much in word .

Wealth are not always created on terms of money , sometimes wealth is some human moment which brings transforming experience .

It was that wealth , I felt in Kolkata Bloggers Meet . It is a mission of living and sleeping with your blog , which get expressed in the meeting .

Communicating and exchanging thoughts , message and ideas with 151 other bloggers made the day very special for me .

My Sincere thanks to Yogesh Goel of for the pictures .

Friday, August 7, 2009

Blogging and Wealth Creation : Ideas for Kolkata Bloggers Meet 09

Kolkata Blogger’s Meet ‘09

Date: 8th August 2009 | Saturday
Location: CCD (Cafe Coffee Day); RDB Adlabs Sector V; Saltlake City; Kolkata
Time: 5 PM onwards

My Ideas for Kolkata Blogger’s Meet ‘09

1. Bloggers BootCamp

There could be a small time allocated for a Knowledge session where experience bloggers will help the new bloggers to discuss about different styles and ways of blogging and how the quality of writing could be improved.

2. Bloggers Work Book

A detailed knowledge session on how one manages the time schedule for blogging when he is engaged with other activities in a disciplined and systematic manner

3. Blogger Business Plan

How blogging could also be done for achieving business goals.

4. Blogging for Wealth Creation

How blogger could create wealth out of Blogging and what are the channels of revenue and ways of making money out of blogging.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weath Creation and Business Planning - Part - II

Business plans gives direction to the Business . It is a important tool to set direction to any business . This way, it also makes possible for a business, to route a roadmap for wealth creation .

Below is a presentation which I recently share in an Public Class on Business planning . It also carries information about some courses, we conduct on Business planning and at the same time , the consulting support, we provide for business planning evaluation.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wealth Creation & Business Planning (Part I )

Business planning is the cause and Business Transformation is the effect . Sucessful Business Transformation projects equals to wealth creation as it, not only cut the cost by innovation , but also the increases the valuation of the company , by implementing new and innovative system .

Wealth creation obviously depends on the performance of a particular business cycle on terms structure of material , labour , technology which can capture the profit .

While developing the business plan, a number of combination of structures where seen in the base of competetive position of the competitors on a given market place. This makes business planning one of the critical strategic process , which ensures sustainable competetive advantage which can be later translated into profit.

(To be continued ...)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Friendship Day

Wish you all , Happy Friendship Day.

Friends are a transforming experience for every individual . They make the life so beautiful .

Let's celebrate friendship.

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to Develop Business Plan

Dear All,


Due to Technical problems of Network link failure the class "How to Develop Business Plan" has been rescheduled in Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 3:19 PM To 3:49 PM (IST)

The New Class Link -

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to develop a business plan

Business plan is the most important document that gets your company going. How to develop that business plan looks on the nitti-gritti on developing business plan.

What is BTC (Business Transformation Consortium) ?

Business Transformation Consortium, is an unique platform which collaborates players related to Business Transformation, and exchange knowledge ,ideas, business leads and build a innovative synergy, using online platforms.

Its purpose is to create awareness on Business Transformation, in the minds of people, and at the same time create Business Opportunities for its members .

It is an initiative, taken up by Indian School of Business Transformation (ISB&T).It also engages people on discussion related to Business Transformation and creates visibility, for its members in the Business Transformation space .

Presently, there are 13 Organizational Members.Membership is by Invitation only.

1.Indian School of Business Transformation , Kolkata
2.Times Private Treaties , kolkata
3.Last Peak data, kolkata
4.Indusnet Technologies, kolkata
5.Metalogic System , kolkata
6.Allindialive , kolkata
8.Apex data Services, kolkata
9.University of Greenwich , London
10.IFIM , Bangalore
11.Management Paradise,Mumbai
12.DataResolve ,Kolkata
13.Reiki Kendra,Kolkata

Join discussion on different aspect of Business Transformation in Business Transformation Consortium

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Introducing Business Transformation with Reiki Meditation

Reiki Meditation helps the individual mind to become more focused. This helps on developing better teams , which could lead business transformation and change people's attitude and behaviour.

Please Join in the class

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ISB&T launches its online MBA programs

In the auspicious event of Guru Poornima ISB&T - Indian School of Business Transformation launches its Online Post Graduate Programs on Business Transformation of 1 year Duration .

The Programs would be conducted through ISB&T Course panel, through virtual classrooms and rich media course content and contact programs in different cities.

The Programs which are presently available are

Post Graduate Program in IT on Business Transformation (PGPITBT)

Post Graduate Program in Financial on Business Transformation (PGPFMBT)

Post Graduate Program for Executives in Business Transformation (PGPEXTBT)

Other Programs

Online MDP Programs on Enterprise Architecture , Business Transformation , Soft skills , Behavioral sciences will be given on

Personal Transformation Program

Business Planning for Business Transformation

Businesss Transformation thru Entreprenuership

Softskills for Business Transformation

Human Resource Management for Business Transformation

Organisational Behaviour for Business Transformation

Financial Planning for Business Transformation

For more information related to the programs mail to

Monday, June 29, 2009

Business Transformation @ Budget 09 : Transforming Investment Strategy

The Second Stage of Reform is due . The expectation on the Budget 09-10 is a change of direction in reform, which is self directed, and not by direction of IMF structural adjustment (which was the case of 1991 reforms) . The mandate is clear on that.

There is a need of more synchronicity in Investment strategy to make it transformational . Below the three important changes in strategic direction which could be transformational.

1. Clear Investment Policy
2. Strong Institutional Mechanism
3. Low Entry Restriction

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Business School 2.0 : Strategic positioning for Integrated Education .

Does integrated education, is limited to the idea of consolidation, of different administrative unit only ?

Or it has higher and deeper context ?

Integration of different administrative blocks of education, to one single block, is obviously a good step, to minimize bottlenecks of education management process.

Still , what is the way to address the gap, between the requirement of knowledge workers by Industry, and the availability, made by academia ?

India has missed the manufacturing bus . But, able to capture the service bus .

Could we able to sustain it ,if the academic process of Business Schools for creating Business leaders , entrepreneurs , and mangers doesn’t give sufficient output for the Industry, to sustain the service bus , and grow on consulting sectors.

This is why , ISB&T focuses on Integrated Education, which is not limited to administrative integrity , but also extends to overall integration of interdisciplinary subjects , which one has to excel, to create better output on Industrial level.

Infact , the strategic positioning for building Enterprise2.0 , which transforms business ,is to initially build , business school 2.0 which takes holistic and integral approach to education – where the ideas of profit extends from financial balance sheets ,to social and environmental balance sheets also.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Business School 2.0 : Education Beyond Boundaries

The education management industry is again changing drastically, with the pressures of global recession . The expectation of the student, in the post recession world, and expectation of the Industry from a Management student is also changing . Industry has started looking credibility of a Management Student beyond his degree and academic performance .

Industry understands the word "DO". At the end of the day , that is what defines the credibility of the Management Student , in the viewpoint of Industry .

At ISB&T ( Indian School of Business Transformation) both the Board of Directors , Board of Advisers and the Board of Faculties ,Student coordinators, has an extensive focus on the Word "DO".

We want our students not just talk "Business Transformation " , but "DO" it .

As a Business School , of next generation (Business School 2.0 ) , ISB&T is completly focussed on the world collaboration. It has the mission of "Wining together".

The three fundamental facets of ISB&T stands together to build the business school of future - the Bschool 2.0

1. Transform Business
2. DO
3. Win Together

They each complement other . They are tied up as a cohesive formula building new forms of Business school ,which is transformational.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : SWOT 2.0

SWOT’s are useless , when they stand alone.
SWOT’s are useful , when they stand together.

There is no strength , when everybody knows what is the strength.
There is no weakness , when nobody knows what is the weakness.

Be a part of ISB&T ‘Business Transformation consortium’ and know how to strengthen your business.

For details mail me at

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : Ebusiness Transformation

Nothing is invincible in the world , if you know , what makes it invincible . Nothing is impossible in the world , if you know , what makes it impossible.


The secret of E business transformation is knowledge . When legacy systems wanted to build successful E-business operation that should be the prime focus .

That’s why one who is peaceful , has deep knowledge in war.
That’s why one who is forceful , has deep knowledge on compassion.


The power of E-business is take you in a zone of auto-pilot where you can stay out of the business war , yet you can be prolific participant of it.

Knowing the far , looking at the near, is wisdom .
Knowing the many , looking at the few , is force.

Ebusiness transformation is infact bringing a deep knowledge on your present business structure , where you solve a problem , before it arise.

That’s why the wise looks simple , the powerful looks gentle.

For the same reason , wise ness of E-Business that transforms looks simple , E-Business that is powerful , makes the customer smile , with its gentleness.

Be a part of ISB&T ‘E-Business Transformation groups’ and know the ways to transform your business and make our customer satisfied.

For details mail me at

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : Business Transformation Forum 09

Looking beyond forms , is the job of perfect sensing. Looking beyond events , is the job of perfect timing. Looking beyond situation, is the job of perfect innovation .

That’s why ,one who transforms business, sees beyond forms and could create forms , sees beyond event , and could be precise on timing, sees beyond situation , and could create favorable situation thru innovation.

Join us in ISB&T ‘Business Transformation forum’ , these August to demystify innovation that transforms a business.

For details mail me at

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : Structures for future growth

I have been working with Indian School of Business Transformation (ISB&T) to find out the right structures for future growth. The credit crisis of 2008 has put a new level of understanding on Corporate risk ownership structure . The growth of IT governance and usage of Enterprise architecture helped risk sharing, to expand .

However , the new growth model on the base of this expanded risk, is not in place still now . This actually brings the whole focus back to Business transformation , as here it is important to work more regularly on the architecture level , to build right structures for future growth.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : Journey to Bschool 2.0

Can the education of the Business Schools, remain same when the basics of Business are changing drastically after the Global reccession?

Business in post reccession period is looking for new knowledge bases, and higher understanding across wide range of domains .

So what would be the architechture of an Business School, which can teach the fundamentals of doing Business in post reccession scenario.

The Wishlist for Business School 2.0

1. Journey from Business Knowledge of Enterprise 1.0 to Business Knowledge of
Enterprise 2.0
2. Transformational Economics
3. Green Business
4. Triple Bottomline
5. Business Strategies for Enterprise 2.0
6. Enterprise Architechture
7. Cloud Computing
8. Social Networking
9. Semantic Web
10. Building Enterprise 2.0

That's what our New Business School is going to teach .

"Indian School of Business Transformation" a Business School based out of Kolkata , will provide Management Programs on Business Transformation of One year Durations , that the new form of Management leaders, who could face the challenges of the post reccession economy could be produced .

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 : Business Plans

Implementing and upgrading a Business into Enterprise 2.0 , is not going to be easy affair . Having a good Business plan, could be a good add-on in this case. It obviously gives a psycological power, to have a complete overview of the Enterprise Architechture , Business Logic and Tools for IT governance.

A proper Business plan, could give the key strategic insight, to understand the issues related to such a complex Enterprise 2.0 system implementation .

Enterprise 2.0 : Unsecured Security ?

The growth of cyber crime in oneside, and the growth of technological excellence of Enterprise 2.0 on other side, puts us into a very important and interesting map of human civilisation . The technological power often supresede psycological power, in Gen Y . But isn't it dangerous ? .

Infact most of terrorist activities, are very high tech these days .They often use the same methodologies, which an cyber criminal does.Technology is a good servant but a bad master.

If the human psycological power doesn't guides technological development, we are going to see more situation of 'secured unsecurity' . On those case you might have number of security products , which are nothing both solutions, leading to unsecured security.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 -New Image of the company

Social Networking is now moving from an public networking solutions, to an enterprise networking solutions. In context of cloud computing, generating possibilities of anywhere application access. This bring an interesting situation, with a enormous capabilities both on application and interaction, entering into Enterprise arena creating a new level of Enterprise known as Enterprise 2.0.

It also emphasizes the importance of new Corporate Image building and repositioning it into the context of Enterprise 2.0

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 - Part I

Gone are the old days of enterprise computing, when there ARE reasonably less integration, between business agendas and technology outcome. In the new Model Development Architecture (MDA) and, Agile Development practices, Business agendas are tightly integrated in the whole software development process.

It is important for the objective of the Business Transformation that Enterprise architecture, Business objectives, and IT Governance issues of an end-to-end IT project implementation is understood very well.

This is at least going to give some form of relaxation to IT managers who seems to be running ,chicken out of head , in the middle of an end-to-end It project implementation.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Business Transformation ( End ) : Wisdom Stimulus

Transformation of any business, requires a certain level of process maturity . However , at certain times companies with a strong management, and a clear vision, with proper strategies, can make the business transformation happen, even on a weak process . In this case there has to be tight integration between the different modules of transformation . Below are the modules of transformation in an ideal consulting situation.

1. Vision development
2. Strategic Planning
3. Learning Design– Corporate coaching on Business transformation
4. Project Planning and Management
5. Change Management
6. Business Process Management
7. Benefits Management
8. Brand Management

I recently wrote an ebook. It is on how an organization can move, through the business transformation process, with taking some hints form , old management classic - Gita. It is written in a simple style and can be easily grasped for application of the concepts . The book is published by Lulu . You can find it here after clicking this link.

Ebook Wisdom-Stimulus

The book cost $50.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Business Transformation VIII : Learning Business Transformation

Can a subject like Business Transformation be educated ? This is an obvious question which comes when we talk about which infact is an integral field and takes its component from different areas to define its boundary . Learning Business Transformation would having a high degree of Mathametical and IT skills alongwith good understanding Business Strategy . The most important part is to learn what Entreprenuership is all as they are people who intiates business transformation in a organization . The learning has to also move through Business planning and behavioral sciences . Here is a brief description on some of the learning parths of Business Transformation .

Personal Transformation Program

Business Planning for Business Transformation
Businesss Transformation for Entreprenuership
Softskills for Business Transformation
Human Resource Management for Business Transformation
Organisational Behaviour for Business Transformation
Financial Planning for Business Transformation

In the next few writings , I will take on each learning paths and describe how it could help on reaching the learning goals of Business Transformation.

Business Transformation VII : Building a Vision

Business transformation projects from “consulting proposal to delivery” has one thing very common. It is the requirement of a clear , defined and precise vision statement . This is what , moves the transformation process . There are doubts in organization that how much of the time would be send on defining higher laws for the Business . Let me dispel ,those doubts . An organization is a collective activity and it requires a collective consensus to operate in harmony . Without higher laws and vision in place , it is very hard for a volume of people to move on the same direction which would be beneficial for the welfare of the organization .That’s why vision, mission and principle statement is a very important tool which creates purpose for the organization both inside and outside . It is by these values that organization start getting mind space of the people . It is needless to say , that people buy a brand which is in there mind space . This basic has to be followed on making any business transformation proposal.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Business Transformation VI : Managed Service and Application Development

There are different forms of outsourcing model which are existing today . However the economic pressure will create a consolidating move. Solo-sourcing is already in challenge . It is too risky to concentrate only in one vendor . The Multiple sourcing is still alive . This is where companies meet there outsourcing goals from a number of vendors . Still ,the tough economic climate is making one outsourcing model most ‘sought after model’ – i.e Best of Breed model . This is where the niche suppliers are brought into and they not only cut cost ,but creates a lot of value. This intrinsic value is something which will determine the survival of a company on the long period of present recession which Past Chairman of Infosys ‘Narayanmurthy’ refers as the “Mother of all Recession”.

Obviously these recession brings a new form of Budgetary pressure to the business model and need for a shared risk and reward model would be adopted by increasing number of corporation.

This way, Managed Service model provides a noninvasive approach to outsourcing. The skills and competencies are provided with customization to client's requirements. It gives a certain degree of flexibility to implement and manage key projects, without the disadvantages of full blown outsourced contracts.

On the top of it there was a new requirement for further specialized managed application suits. This takes it more close and similar to the SAAS ( Software as a Service ) which gives the flexibility of on demand solutions which gives the best of both world – control and flexibility of our information system without the pain or cost of running them yourself which are denoted as the traditional constraint of outsourcing . This also brings closer to the classic ‘economies of scale model’ which gives more for less.

However , the new wave goes even further , and tries to determine that what kind of value on terms of business a managed service provider can give on the top of specialized application suits . This is where the vendor needs to know about the business of the client and how it could be transformed . The value which is generated from this move is much higher as it outsourcing is not moves from transactional to transition and further moves to transformational .

Business Transformation VI : Creative Class and Technology Outsourcing

Last 20 years we have seen ,a new generation of creative professionals emerging in the scenario of IT . However those professionals avoided the ITES companies as it specialized on executing routine jobs. But as the ITES companies of India , move high in the value chain , working in a risk sharing and strategic partnership model, for the outsourcing client , the repetitive work cliché on outsourcing industry is going to break down.

We have already seen a lot of high intellectual population joining ITES bandwagon with the advent of KPO, which is widely considered as Outsourcing 2.0. BTO ( Business Transformation Outsourcing ) which will be considered as Outsourcing 3.0 , lot of highly creative professional will join the ITES bandwagon . As more and more services are going to be online, with the web 3.0 combing with cloud computing movement , the outsourcing 3.0 is going to give tremendous opportunity for unlocking creative potentials, which no other creative platform can possibly give right now .

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Business Transformation V : Market Research

One of the best applications , I have found to have far reaching effect on transforming any web business is Google analytics . Analytics which is set to turn a visitor into a customer , has well thought out Business architectural paradigm .Earlier , I have used Analog and found that it can create a certain degree of clarity of mind , however would not have that transformational experience which analytics have for any website .

Truly , it is one of the best market research tools, where you can exactly understand the patterns of visitors consumption of a particular web assets and create deeper insight about your business , which can change the way you think about your business.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Business Transformation -IV : BTO new outsourcing mantra ?

Is BTO ( Business Transformation Outsourcing) the new mantra for third generation outsourcing Business ?.

All evidence indicates towards that . Now the clients are just not looking for cost cutting by outsourcing . They are looking for more value. They want there business to transform to an Fortune 500 company .They think outsourcing can help on doing that .

Is it possible ?.

With the economic downturn obviously , the expectation are high and the clients are looking for more performance from there vendors.

The market potential for BTO, is expected to be around $680 billion by 2008-09. Also the percentage of BTO services in the outsourcing spectrum is expected to increase from 19% in 2004 to 31% by 2009. ( Ref : ASSOCHAM Study )

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Business Transformation (Part III) : Simplicty works ? - An Interview with RND

Ranendra Narayan Dutta , is known for his simplicity .He also made simplicity, the mission statement of his company – Nature Technologies Pvt Ltd . But does simplicity helps to handle recession better . Straight talk with the CEO of Nature Technologies Pvt Ltd who is known also for his evangelist skills.

Joydip: You have been some time in Industry now . Worked as a techie and then in the middle level management of a Software Company . Then you have started your own venture . So this is the second time , you are seeing a tough recession continuing for a long duration after dot com burst . How do you find it different then the earlier one ?

R.N.D : Joydip, I have seen the recessions come; Upset every equation; Have analysts predict everything that makes sense; Yet be wrong time and again; Finally the Sine wave from Physics dominates Economics. From crest to trough to crest; the surge continues. I believe recessions come to be over some day and rejuvenate business with new caution. These are to be forgotten till the next recession knocks the door again.

My perspective of the recessions has always been in respect to Information Technology market, apart from my amateurish interest in Capital Market movement world-over.

I believe recessions are the stabilizing factor to erase out the non-sustainable elements of the market. They are for good. Last time during the Dot Com Boom, the phenomenon was not at all sustainable. That’s why it crashed with a boom. From the perspective of Information Technology the recession was targeted at the not so GREAT IT market. Finally the market corrected itself. So the wrath of the recession was mainly on IT sectors in Dot Coms and Y2K. The weak but hyped organizations perished. The organizations that made sense prevailed to GROW big. In my opinion the Dot Com burst was a blessing for the people who use IT and who invest in IT. Being realistic is important after all.

This recession of the current time is actually an aftermath of the Dot Com crash. People started investing on housing assets and prices rose to a level that was again UNREALISTIC. Now real estate drove things to sky high in the capital market. Information Technology has a limited share of its wrongs this time. But obviously since we are all in the IT services sector which is a tertiary sector, we get hit no matter what goes wrong in the financial market.

Last time , when we had the Dot Com burst and recession, I was a techie and saw the desperation of my employer, Mindteck India to stay alive. They survived and that too with a BIG BANG. We moved to Embedded Technologies from Enterprise Computing. My previous company where I joined as a trainee and grew to be in the managerial position catapulted itself to a great position, due to its paradigm shift. It was tough, but those who dare to face the recession make it BIG. Mindteck is now doing GREAT now days. Thanks to Mr. Shankar Velayudhan, the General Manager then.

This time when the recessions hit hard I am in the chair as a CEO managing, a 2 years old company, Nature Technologies, dealing in End-to-End Information Technology solutions for my customers in US and Europe. Things have been tough, but I had been brave this time. We did intelligent marketing, made pricing REALISTIC, approached the sectors that don’t suffer from recessions like Legal and Healthcare. We are doing well. We are expecting a growth in revenue of around 100% this year. Nature Technologies became even SIMPLER with the recessions storming the markets.

This time, I feel that the people who have money to invest and keep the markets rolling are skeptical but are willing to make investments in small chunks in Technology that minimizes their risks of seeing all their money gone in a fast time. Technology solutions with prototypes, marketing campaigns, small pluggable releases and payments are the call of this recession. We are offering the best price so that people can afford to dip their toes in the water.

Answering your question in a sentence; Joydip, I see this recession as a friendly recession for Techno savvy companies and realistic business. Because investors are no longer interested in UNREAL HYPE.

Joydip: You talk a lot about simplicity ? What do you mean by it? Can it be really practiced when the World is becoming so complex , specially on the time of recession , when the complexity reaches in its heightening discourses.

R.N.D :What sustains at the end is “SIMPLICITY”. Did Google disappear after the Dot Com bubble? No! Isn’t it? Google had a simple approach to business. It had its message UNAMBIGUOUS. “SEARCH THROUGH US”.

Simplicity is actually the strongest trait of HUMAN THOUGHT PROCESS. You love your teacher who taught you in simple terms. You love a website that is easy to use. You love the remote of your TV if it’s easy to use. You prefer a normal cell phone over a Smart Phone because it is simple. Isn’t it?

We are surviving this recession with Simplicity. I need to convince my customers precisely how they benefit. Use simple methods through technology. Minimize costs to simply make profits. We worked on our marketing strategy to make it easy for a business house to assess how we improve their ROI. We made our proposals short and simple. No hidden costs and conditions. People take the shortest time to accept us as a service provider. And that works great for us.

Nature Technologies is being driven by Simplicity and it gives us the speed to act upon and deliver.

I should say that whatever sustains is SIMPLE. Because if something is not sustainable you need to project it in the most complex way, to get the thing to the table and sell it. Ultimately the customers find out that its not what you meant and you are gone. So if something is needed the most now a days, then its SIMPLICITY.

Joydip: Do you see this recession is going to break the glass ceiling for the lower class to become entrepreneur ? There are more cases of slum millionaires will come forward, when corporate giants will fail ? As a Corporate evalengist, where
do you see the world in next 5 years ?

R.N.D :As I said before, the recessions are like a wave that cleanses the market and the competition. Generally as the Corporates grow, they tend to move away from practicality, to aggression based on individual’s dreams and aspirations. Most of the time than not, a corporate’s goal is not realistic. Often the big corporations forget who is the market. They tend to believe that they can change the market, people’s perceptions and the demands. Based on these insights a lot of money is spent, people are tried to be dominated into believing what is best for them, and in short term this seems to be doing good. But after sometimes this concept perishes and the UNREALISTIC dreams and offerings fall to the ground.

On the other hand the slum dogs are more PRACTICAL. They have learned to survive the hard way. Their prowess is limited to their own dreams. They go by the way a PRACTICAL customer thinks, and they get their support. So I should say, yes this recession will break the myth of the complacent jobs that one has with a multi national. It will break the myth that only the big survive. Customers are now looking for what MAKES SENSE. They don’t want big buzz words, bug promises and spend unnecessarily. They need performers and those who do it SIMPLE. Because Simplicity is EASY, LESS COSTLY and FAST!