Saturday, August 7, 2010

Beyond Gunas : Wisdom Stimulus 187 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna here mentions, that when the seer, in us, can see beyond the gunas, and the source, which is higher than the gunas, and from where the gunas, originate, he attains to the being of Lord Krishna.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Spiritual growth : Wisdom Stimulus 186 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna further continues, that the sattwic people, who have positive belief system, along with light and knowledge, moves upwards towards higher spiritual development, bringing both prosperity and peace to himself and others . On the other hand, the Rajasic people move along the middle, as it have some positive and some negative beliefs, which makes him fall sometimes, and rise sometimes . Whereas the tamasic people are found to be always moving downwards, due to there heedlessness and ignorance which creates a negative belief system , flooded with negative thoughts .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What rises from Gunas ? : Wisdom Stimulus 185 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna in this verse explains how each gunas gives rise to different kinds of characteristics. He mentions that sattwa gives rises to knowledge , rajas gives rise to greed and tamas gives to rise to ignorance and heedlessness.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fruits of Gunas : Wisdom Stimulus 184 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna further continues that the fruit of sattwic action is purity and the fruit of rajasic action, is pain and suffering, and the fruit of tamasic action is ignorance .These way we can see , how each gunas a certain category of action.

Dying in Rajas/Tamas : Wisdom Stimulus 183 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna here mentions that when one dies when he is absorbed in rajas, he is born among those who are attached to action. While dissolving in tamas he is born in the womb of senseless . That’s why dissolving in higher gunas is preferred as the last impression on the mind creates the first impressions in next life .

Dying in Sattwa : Wisdom Stimulus 182 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna here mentions that when one dies when he is absorbed in Satwaa he attains to spotless world of the knowers of the highest . That’s why dissolving in Satwaa is preferred as the last impression on the mind creates the first impressions in next life .

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Inertia Dominates : Wisdom Stimulus 181 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna in these verse explains what is the time period when inertia dominates . It is when one takes on considerable amount of indulgence, the indolence drives and the tamas become predominant.

Activity Dominates : Wisdom Stimulus 180 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna in these verse explains what is the time period when activity dominates . It is when one takes on considerable amount of action, the passion drives and the Rajas become predominant.

Purity Dominates : Wisdom Stimulus 179 : Application of Bhagvad Gita in Management

Lord Krishna in these verse explains what is the time period when purity dominates . It is when after a considerable amount of spiritual practice, the wisdom light shines the Sattwaa become predominant.