Thursday, April 24, 2008

In search of excellence in Business Plan writing

What could be the benchmark of the excellence in writing .

All writings are someway different, and they reflect different perspective . There is a preference of narrative styles, over others .

Can good writing be just a good style ?

Recently , I was listening to an eminent novel writer . She was describing , how poetry writers , listens a music, and tries to catch that music in words . For her , novel writing is different then that . It is essentially people oriented .So she catches charcter. And that's why , novel writing is more about characters, and seeing those characters living in reality , facing the problems .

Infact , intially every novel writer, is very unhapy . As he could not make out the characters. Or they don't stand together as a whole story . But with time things get easy and then the fun of writing starts, when the plot slowly unreveals to the writer, in the process of writing .

To me , it sound similar, to Business plan writing process. This month , I was writing two Busines plans . They are of two industry . One is in outsourcing . Other is in telecom. As a Business plan writer , I can't write plan by listening music , or observing characters . For me , it is understanding the entreprenuer.

When I listened the vision of the entreprenuer , and felt the passion of him . It seems to be little easier . But it started becoming fun, when I started writing, and I started discovering the rules of a completly new Industry and a new business . It was an experience of unrevealing plot also.

Though the audience of novel and poetry are different than a Business plan . One is targeted towards a larger population, and other towards a limited section of people . I found the process of writing is same , though the knowledge may vary widely .

So , what could be a benchmark of an excellent business plan . And who sets it . Is it also same , like novel writing and poetry writing.

The benchmark here is different . In one case it is the sales volume . Whether , it becomes a best-seller or not, defines the excellence of a Novel or a poetry book.

In case of Business plan the benchmark is the value. After seeing the plan , how much the investor would be ready to invest into the Business ? And how many would be interested to invest ?

In one case , the number of customer matters , in other case the value paid by the customer matters . Still, the question remains , is it a real criteria for excellence ?

Are all best sellers, excellent books ?

Are all business plan which fetches huge investment , excellent plans ?

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