Saturday, April 17, 2010

Road to Prosperity : Wisdom Stimulus 75 : Bhagvad Gita for Self Management

Prosperity itself is an expression of soul in the material plane . Anywhere you see something is prospering , you understand, there is where the soul is manifesting in the material plane.

Prosperity is a feminine quality . The consort of Vishnu is known as Lakshmi . Lakshmi is considered as Goddess of Prosperity . Lakshmi gives you

2. Prosperity
3. Speech
4. Memory
6. firmness
7 .Forgiveness

The manifestation of the soul in a material plane brings an systematic growth . The feminine quality of Krishna, which is Lakshmi transform a person’s from destitute and poverty state to the state of wealth and wellbeing . She does it a very systematic organized way . She sustains the home , she sustains your career and she makes you grow . Lakshmi encourages people to acquire and maintain wealth in a process oriented manner. If you wanted to move on the road of prosperity then lakshmi willgive small and simple steps to attain that . Indeed, Lakshmi is the femine manifestation of Lord Krishna .


There are two aspects . One is said as inner prosperity , and the other is denoted as outer prosperity . It is inner prosperity in you mind that expresses as outer prosperity .

The Road of Prosperity starts from Karma Yoga. When you act without expectation , your action shows consistency. Otherwise, you actions cannot be consistent .

Road to Prosperity starts when you can go on doing, what you are doing . It requires ….

1.Concentrated Action
2.Consistent Actions
3.Co-operative Actions

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