Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Journey with i2i from 2005 to 2008

In 15th Feb,2005 ,I was a Judge of the Business plan Competetion 'Ideas to Implementation'organised by IIM-Calcutta.There were teams from all over India.And the team from IIT-Kgp SAVedU won the prize.You can get more details about the competetion using the following link -

In 1st Feb,2008 , I was looking after some of the process design of the same Business plan Competetion 'Ideas to Implementation' organised by IIM-Calcutta. The nature of the prizes where different , then the earlier cash prize given at 2005. This time ,wining teams could straight away get the seedfund to start thier venture. Following links carry more details.

I2i 2008 created a great positive response, from the aspiring entreprenuer ,then the earlier version, due to the innovation on prizing process.

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